Candle Making Steve
Our first guest blog post!
As you may know, many of the products we sell are all-natural and handmade right here on the farm. But there are a few, like our candles, we have made off-farm by some of our favorite people.
Mr. Steve - radio DJ by day, candle maker by night - bugged us repeatedly until we finally agreed to start a partnership 7-8 years ago. It ended up being a great decision, the products he makes are full of aroma and character, and he was kind enough to write up a blog post shedding light on his waxy expertise. Enjoy!
Ya got your wax, wicks, scent oils, container. There you go. Right? Not so fast partner.
Before Seven Oaks Lavender Farm was able to sell all of its beautiful candles you see, there came hundreds of hours of testing and sniffing.
Imagine a cook in a kitchen. Their job is to make a cake. Ingredients include flour, sugar, eggs, butter, chocolate, and milk. The problem for the cook is there is more than one type of flour, sugar, butter, chocolate, milk, and yes even eggs! So many possible combinations with all the varieties involved.
This is the same when it comes to making candles. The trick is to match the correct candle ingredients together so it burns down to the bottom, with no leftover wax, and have a scent that will put a smile on your face.
Lavender essential oil is a great oil to work with. Combine it with natural soy wax and it fills the air with its signature relaxing scent. It's also very receptive to partners - lemongrass, spearmint, ylang ylang, plumeria to name a few. These and a couple others are blended with lavender essential oil and made into candles for Seven Oaks Lavender Farm that each have their own unique scent.
And they burn slowly and evenly right down to the bottom.
Another feature which may be the most important is that soy wax burns cleanly. After all it comes from soy beans. Compare this to where paraffin wax comes from. Crude oil. That's the dirty little secret the big candle companies don't like to talk about.
Seven Oaks candles are all made from soy wax and lavender essential oil.
Pure and simple.
Burn with confidence.